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A Super-Seized Superhawk

Earlier this Spring, we took in a 1966 Honda Superhawk CB77 motor for a complete engine rebuild.

As the photos clearly depict, once we disassembled the motor we found that the pistons were seized to the degree that our mechanics literally had to beat them out of the cylinders. To repair the motor, we will bore the cylinders, clean the cylinder head, re-cut the valves and seats, and replace the pistons and rings. 






Projects of this nature are particularly enjoyable for our mechanics because they love the thrill of not knowing what they’ll find once they split the motor open. Albeit rusty and especially challenging work, repairing these nostalgic motors and bringing them back to life is more rewarding and fulfilling than most of our day-to-day work.


We can’t wait to complete this job and see this CB77 back on the road again!