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Motorcycle Riding And Reducing Back Pain

The following article is shared with permission from Dr. Wong of Full Motion Chiropractic in Belmont, CA. (Thanks for the great submission, Dan!):

I find it amusing that most doctors will immediately tell their patients to stop riding if they complain of low back pain. Then when they come see me, for the most part, I encourage them to ride.

If the pain is severe and disabling, then yes there has to be period of treatment, rest and healing. However sport bikes and standard or dual sport type motorcycles can actually be good for your back. The more leaned over the riding position, typically the better for back pain.

First, let’s look at the most common causes of back pain.

While we know that over 100 million Americans (1/3rd of the U.S. population) suffer from chronic pain and are on pain killers (which is bad for riding) from Tylenol and Ibuprofen to opiate drugs, and they continue to suffer, let’s first look at the most common causes of back pain and what you can do today to get some relief.

The most common cause of back pain is a mis-alignment of the back or spine that pinches a nerve. That pinched nerve then causes pain, but that’s not all. Continued mis-alignment has other nasty effects. Because of those misalignments, the spine starts to grind away and eat away at those little hard rubber-like pads we call “Spinal Discs.”

For example if the wheels of your motorcycle were out of alignment, from poor drive chain alignment, that would cause premature wear on your tires, let alone be a safety hazard. Same with the discs in your back, they wear away prematurely. The result is that the pinched nerve gets worse and worse. All the pain killers in the world will not fix that.

So what can you do, yourself today? Please see below, it may save you from future years of needless suffering.

* Motorcycle Riding: After a motorcycle ride, how does your back feel? If it’s not worse or the pain lessens, then it’s ok to continue riding.

Typically sport bikes are better for your low back:

And typically riding a cruiser bike is worse for your low back because of the downward pressure on your back. And if you’re suffering from degenerating discs like so many are, then a cruiser will make your back worse. You can always call me and talk to me about this.

* Sleeping: The best sleeping position is on your back with a pillow or two under your knees. This reduces the pressure on your lower back and allows your spine to be in a straight position all night. Sleeping on your side or stomach has been responsible for many issues I see patients suffer from. Sleeping in a bent position can remold your spine and cause tremendous problems over time.

* Pillows? Ideally while sleeping on your back, you use no pillow or better yet a rolled up towel under the bottom of your neck. Using a pillow will train your posture to fold in forward.

* Daily habits: such as getting up wrong, bending and lifting incorrectly, etc. can cause pain and deterioration to your back. Try to lessen the daily abuse and demand on your back. Lift properly and use your hand to assist you in getting up or even when brushing your teeth.

* Not being sedentary: If you sit at a desk for work, the sitting position and repetitive motions can be dangerous. Setting a timer on your computer or watch to remind you to just get up and stretch, even if it’s only for thirty seconds every 15 to 30 minutes can go a long way.

* Do my “Doc Wong’s Six Key Exercises” while at gas stops when riding, in fact do them every day. These are gems for your back and what I include for most patients.

Click here to try the exercises.

If you find that you’re having chronic pain or pain episodes that are repeating over time, then it’s time to get checked. In fact I recommend getting checked before you have pain at all. It’s like changing the oil in your car before it breaks down!

Ride well,

Dr. Harry Wong “Doc Wong”, D.C., Chiropractor