You are currently viewing 1974 Suzuki GT750 Water Buffalo

1974 Suzuki GT750 Water Buffalo

We’ve been making steady process on the ongoing restoration of the 1974 Water Buffalo.

The “Water Buffalo” earned its nickname by being the first liquid-cooled Japanese motorcycle that was mass produced.

The engine design is unique not only because it is liquid cooled, but also because it is a three-cylinder two-cycle.

While admittedly a unique design, it is arguable that the engine design flawed the machine in its later years. The liquid cooled design constantly submerged the cylinder studs under water for the past 40+ years, and that caused the studs to rust severely and therefore seize inside of the cylinders. John described the removal of the cylinders as “damn near impossible” because of the seized studs. These efforts resulted in (at times fruitless) attempts of heating, beating, and ingenuity. This process took well over three months of trial-and-error efforts (and a little bit of luck!) before we found success.

In the end, Dain custom fabricated a 1/2 inch steel plate to bolt to the cylinder. He then attached a hoist to the plate, effectively suspending the entire engine in the air. Positioning it like so allowed them to apply upward force with a 5 pound sledge hammer on the steel plate as well as take advantage of the gravitational pull on the motor downward. Finally, we’d found a creative way to successfully separate the cylinder from the engine block.

Once separated, we were able to hone cylinder #1 and replace the seized piston.


These efforts resulted in (at times fruitless) attempts of heating, beating, and ingenuity. This process took well over three months of trial-and-error efforts (and a little bit of luck!) before we found success.

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1/2 Inch Steel Plate Used to Separate Cylinder from Engine Block
For the aesthetics, we began the process of powder-coating the frame, swing-arm, and center stand. We disassembled the wheels and polished the hubs and rims, then installed new stainless-steel Buchanan spokes and nipples. Next, we trued the wheels and mounted and balance the tires.

Once we received back all of the powder-coated pieces, we began reassembling, including: installing the wheels, extensive cleaning/polishing, and repairing the wiring harness.

This project is in its final stages and we are excited to see the final outcome!