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The Top 5 Things You (probably) Didn’t Know About Dain:

1) He’s a Bonsai guy. Yep, you read it right. Those little miniature aged trees that people grow in teeny tiny pots? He loves ’em. In fact, he owns over 20 of them.

2) He puzzles. It makes sense, if you think about it. Much like repairing a bike, he likes the painstaking task of putting together seemingly unfit and impossible pieces to make something whole again. Whew- we’re getting philosophical here! His dream puzzle is 5,000 pieces and solid black. No hints from no imagery with no color variations at all. It’s a sickness, guys.

3) He’s been pulled over more than 30 times. Some resulted in warnings, others in tickets, and a few have ended with license suspensions. Don’t worry, his need for speed is limited to his own vehicles- test rides are not joy rides!

4) He’s horrible at spelling. And by horrible, we mean _whorable_. He avoids filling out customer’s work orders because he’s self-conscious of it. So the next time you’re in and he asks how you spell ‘George’, don’t reply with ‘G’ as your response. He didn’t mishear you and he didn’t ask what letter your name starts with. He asked how to spell it, so please- spell it. Vowels are tricky, folks.

5) His dream bike is a Super-Moto. Not a brand-new Harley, not that shiny new R1. Nope. He and John worked extensively on a dirt-bike-to-super-moto conversion and ever since that time, he’s decided that is the only bike for him. His top two super-moto picks would be a Honda 450 or an Aprilla 550 Twin.