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Warning: Sappy Stuff Ahead

Today we kickoff a month long celebration in honor of our 28th anniversary. Not two years. Not eight years. Twenty-eight years. (That’s a year long than Rachel has even been alive!) As an independent shop, that’s huge. As an independent shop in seasonal, snowy Ohio- that’s almost unheard of. How’d we do it, you ask?

There’s two main reasons behind our 28 years of success with the first being John. Johnny. The old man. Schumacher up in Ashley. Whatever term of endearment you use to refer to him, he’s the big reason behind our little shop surpassing a milestone that many could only dream of. He started this company with the crazy idea of owning his own motorcycle shop. Of being his own boss. Of spending more time with his family. Of providing fair, honest, and reasonably priced services to hardworking people who shared his passion of all things power-sports. And guess what, folks? He did it.

He did it through hard work, labors of love, and customers like you. Customers who invited us into their homes on mobile appointments. Customers who remember our location on Oakland Park Avenue in Columbus. Customers who followed us to our Lake Street location in Delaware, and then to our Reed Street location shortly thereafter. Customers who- despite the additional minutes and miles it took to get to our final location in the little town of Ashley- followed us here, too.

Always so supportive and loyal, many of you made remarks like, ‘It gives me a good excuse for a long ride!’ or ‘The ride up there always has such scenic views!’. You didn’t have to ride past a half-dozen other shops to get to ours, but you did.

You didn’t just follow us wherever we went. You also supported us through your choices. You chose to buy your parts directly through us rather than buying the Chinese knock-off versions on E-bay for a few pennies less. You chose to support us by getting your spouse one of our gift-certificates as a stocking stuffer every year. You chose to take the time to recommend our shop to a buddy of yours, and even went through the painstaking task of digging through your wallet to find that fifteen-year-old neon orange MCW business card to get our number for him.

Each of those individual instances were things that you simply didn’t have to do, but did so as a choice. To you, it may ‘have been nothing’– but to us, it meant the world.


And for those decisions both big and small, we are ever grateful for choosing us. Thank you. Here’s to 28 more years of family, friendships, and all things that go ‘vroom’.